
Posts Tagged ‘Church Politics’

Friday 4/8 Rundown

Nobody Expects the Protestant Reformation
It’s good to know that Churches across the board, whether Catholic or Orthodox, have in some sense cultures of corruption.  In no sense is that all there is, but it’s enough to turn some people off from “organized religion” altogether. Now, in an age where social pressure isn’t keeping people in Churches (at least “ethnic” Christians are going to Church for culture…), what exactly is the Church going to do to “keep” people??

India’s Skewed Sex Ratio

This article presented 2 issues for me:

1) The obvious abortion angle- I’m not sure what the Hindu teaching on abortion is. I can see Christian teaching against abortion is based on Incarnational theology, could someone tell me how Hinduism treats abortion?

2) The Kerala angle- Anyone notice that Kerala, the state with the highest percentage of Christians also has the highest ratio of girls born per 1000 boys? Is there a correlation? I’m not saying there is.

-Steve K.

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